A View Of Happiness Through My Thoughts.....
Happiness is everywhere, Happiness is in the air, Happiness is in your heart, Happiness is in the light, in the shadow...capture Happiness through your eyes, Happiness is in your path, Happiness is inside of you, Happiness is an attitude... it's LOVE that makes us see Happiness, Happiness is a matter of choice...Protect your dreams and love The Silence, silence is a friend who never betray ... Who doesn't understand your eyes, will not going to understand your story ... Don't be afraid of loneliness, make of it your temple and home, knowing others is exercise power, knowing yourself is find the way..The way to your truth , to your path, to your life to your end...Only then you can love and be loved, Only then you can Complete your destiny and live your dreams...Dream the change, See the change, Believe the change, Live the change.....

- Getting wet in the rain
- 90km/h bike ride in a chilled December night
- Running into a friend you haven't seen in a long time
- Holding a baby
- Reminiscing with friends and family
- Window seat in a train journey
- Slow, romantic music
- Innocent smiles
- A tight hug of mum
- Hot uncountable coffees during exam nights
- Freshly painted nails
- Warm self made brownies or cookies right out of oven..
And many more such moments.......

.....well.. you get the idea...
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