Once a drunkard lay down in the streets, fully intoxicated and senseless. His friend who happened to come by said him jokingly that,"Hey! I had gone to your house. I found that your wife has become a widow. So go home quickly and console her."

The drunkard became very upset. "oh no!! My wife has become a widow!",he yelled and cried. "How can your wife become a widow,when you are alive?" consoled a passerby.The drunkard answer ,"But my friend told so and as he is my closest friend,how can I disbelief him?" The drunkard continued to cry...

Our sorrows are similar to that of the drunkard. Even though he experienced sorrow, it was illegitimate as it was born out of ignorance. Many things which are not really true makes us miserable. At other times, matters which are of no real significance,rob us our own happiness.
So it is wise to make our self aware of things and situations leading to the pain rather than surrendering to it. SELF AWARENESS can solve many big problems within ourselves.
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