Magic exists... who can doubt it when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars? Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple,such an extraordinary part of life we lead.
I define magic as the state of trance when only genuine positive and beautiful thoughts rush through your blood. You feel like floating in the cloud of happiness no matter how much unhappy you are.

I am feeling the moment of magic now.... in the rooftop of my hostel. The cool breeze brushing aside my hairs making them dance to their tune. The faint ,enchanting chants of namaz has wrapped the sky in its warmth. I see the white sun turning orange.... yellow... vermilion....red... then!!! disappearing to the infinite horizon. Is it not magic??? With the clouds, playing faces change and moon judging their game.. My heart is witnessing the pangs of magical beauty. The long meadows of greenary appears as a gown of fine silk on the earth. And thinking about all these magic, a chill of shiver runs in me... as if I have bcome a captive of its hypnotism.

And now when the cutains of darkness starting to fall... the 'jugnus' are making the moments for me. The little flying things floating in the smoothness of air reminding me of the flying lamps in the fairy tales stories.... those fairy tales which used to take my childhood dreams into the grasp of imagination..
M silent, the world around me is peaceful.... and in the midst of this eerie of silence I could hear a murmuring sound.... Oh!!! got hold of it.... itz my heart singing a self made tune of melody... although itz a bit trackless.. but m loving it.... I got the lessons of self-love from silence only......
I left the rooftop with memorable a state of ataraxy......... AMEN !!!
thumbs up budy......