Kites in the sky
Soaring together
Lovers forever
Forever is a lie
Whooo..holds the twine in his hand
What has destiny planned
Will the heart understand

On the way to hostel after another tiring day, I looked up to see the bidding the day and then something beautiful came in between my eyes and sun..... No it wasn't bird.... Something dancing in the sky... Ahhh!! yes.. KITES IN THE SKY.... Swinging and swirling to the rythm of north wind...A visual treat.

And suddenly my mind goes back to that romantic full moon night when I had listened to "Kites in the sky" perhaps for 15 times. Actually the song was dedicated to me by one of my friend... and the motive of dedication was still a mystery for me till the day when I saw the two kites really in the sky. It made me see a visual illusion of dance of freedom and freedom of love...
Seeing kites up, up and away... My mind goes dreaming of angels of lands far away...
Angels of love, freedom and jolly.. who spread bounty in their way.....